Economic Development

Our department’s mission is to support the development of resilient local economies that are responsive to entrepreneurs, job seekers, and growing businesses, and contribute to the high quality of life across the region. Through collaboration and a key foundation of strategic partnerships, we work hand-in-hand with municipalities, businesses, and other stakeholders to ignite economic vitality, create jobs, and enhance the overall fiscal health of communities throughout the OCPC region.
West Bridgewater- Debartolo Dry Storage Facility
350,000 SF warehouse facility, road improvements, signals on Rte. 106, water line and sidewalk construction on Lincoln Street. Images were captured by OCPC’s Drone Program for before and after construction shots. In the images below you will see 3 different stages of construction development.
East Bridgewater Sewer Line Extension Project – Route 18
$10 ML construction project including $3 ML EDA award. Project extends sewer to Rte18 and leverages $100ML in private investment & 700 new jobs.
East Bridgewater Business Assistance Program
OCPC is in the process of providing the Town with business assistance services ($153K) to support and strengthen the local economy: including marketing and promotion materials and prioritizing community assets.
This funding has enabled the Town to contract with OCPC, who is collaborating with the East Bridgewater Business Association (EBBA), to enhance their capacity for local business development and provide specific services that will bridge businesses and consumers, enrich the community, support new development opportunities and better position them for economic growth. To achieve economic growth, a survey has been developed for both businesses and consumers input to guide the process. Please take the time to take either the Business Survey or the Consumer Survey.
EDA Annual Planning Grant
OCPC submitted an application for ($140K) which allows agency to provide regional TA for ED planning, project development, outreach & engagement with municipalities & support and implementation of projects outlined in the Economic Development Commission.
Ongoing & Proposed:
- Plymouth Holtec Master Plan – OCPC awaiting EDA award ($335K) for Town of Plymouth to prepare a master plan for a 1,500-acre vacant portion of the Holtec property (former Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station site) including collaboration with Holtec International & Plymouth Foundation.
- Avon Sewer D/E – EDA app proposed ($2-$2.5ML) for late May/June for D&E services including construction plans for sewer service through Stoughton that will lead directly to sewer construction serving the Avon industrial park – allowing for retention & addition of new jobs.
Regional Commercial & Industrial Site Inventory
EDA awarded ($150K) on development of a Regional Site Inventory to identify commercial/industrial areas that expand ED opportunities throughout the region. Project is aimed at attracting private investment, creating jobs, & increasing local revenues.
EPA Regional Brownfield Site Assessment Program
EPA funded ($500K) region-wide site assessment program targeting initial communities of Easton, East Bridgewater, Hanson and Whitman, however, will be expanding throughout the region. Will provide phase 1&2 site assessment on eligible contaminated properties, brownfield planning, strategies for cleanup and redevelopment.
Regional Water Plan
EDA funded project ($940K) to prepare a regional water plan for the OCPC district. In a collaborative effort, and with financial support from the Plymouth County Water Commission, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Planning consultant CDM smith and TEAM is working with the Project Steering Committee and OCPC on identifying goals, objectives, issues and concerns through a public process as the study progresses.
Community Data Portal & Regional Economic Development Assessment Tool
EDA funded ($151,000) to modernize and develop two tools that will provide municipalities and other partners in the region with up-to-date, usable economic development and recovery related data and analysis. 1) A Data Dashboard will provide municipalities and other partners in the region with data they need to develop successful funding applications and understand the outlook for their local/regional economy. 2) A Municipal Assessment Tool will help municipalities understand how business-friendly and investment-ready they are and help them identify areas for improvement and diversification and build on regional assets that spur economic growth and resiliency.