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2022 OCPC Summit

Meadow Brook Restaurant 1486 Main Street, Hanson, MA

Invite Only

Old Colony Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting

Please join the Old Colony Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Old Colony BPAC) in a conversation about bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and policy initiatives on December 16 at 1pm. The Old Colony BPAC is an advisory body to the Old Colony Planning Council on bicycle and pedestrian initiatives. The Old Colony BPAC provides a public forum for members of the… Read More »Old Colony Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting

Old Colony MPO Meeting

10:00 AM; Join Zoom Virtual Meeting: Meeting ID: 828 6889 7278 | Password: 370367; Please contact Charles Kilmer at for more information.

Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) Meeting

January 5, 2023 Old Colony JTC Meeting Staff Reports and Materials Held Virtually via Zoom Join Zoom Virtual Meeting Meeting ID: 829 1622 1251 Passcode: 734734 Dial by your location +1‐646‐518‐9805 or +1‐646‐558‐8656

OCPC Personnel Meeting

Old Colony Planning Council 70 School Street, Brockton, MA, United States

Held in person and virtually via Zoom Video: Meeting ID: 830 9226 3228 Passcode: 534883 Phone: +1 (267) 831 0333 Meeting ID: 830 9226 3228 Passcode: 534883 OCPC Personnel Meeting Agenda - January 2023

OCPC Bylaws Committee Meeting

Old Colony Planning Council 70 School Street, Brockton, MA, United States

Held in person and virtually via Zoom Video: Meeting ID: 836 3976 6126 Passcode: 138382 Phone: +1 (646) 558 8656 Meeting ID: 836 3976 6126 Passcode: 138382 OCPC Bylaws Meeting Agenda - January 2023

Old Colony MPO Meeting

10:00 AM; Join Zoom Virtual Meeting: Meeting ID: 828 6889 7278 | Password: 370367; Please contact Charles Kilmer at for more information.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Meeting

Agenda: CEDS Committee Meeting Agenda - January 2023 Minutes to previous meeting: CEDS Committee Meeting Minutes - September 2022 Held in person and virtually Zoom Meeting ID 894 9081 8336 and Passcode 105720 JOIN by computer or smartphone: Password: 105720 To join by telephone: dial (470) 381-2552;105720# then follow prompts

Finance-Audit Committee Meeting

Video: Meeting ID:  847 7591 4996 Passcode:   055152 Phone: +1 (470) 250-9358 Meeting ID:  847 7591 4996 Passcode:   055152 2023_01_Finance_Audit_Agenda 2023_01_Finance_Audit_Consent_Agenda

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