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Abington Open Space and Recreation Plan

Abington is working with OCPC to UPDATE their Open Space and Recreation Plan. Learn more below!

What is an Open Space and Recreation Plan?

Open Space and Recreation Plans are a Commonwealth of Massachusetts planning initiative. The purpose of an Open Space and Recreation Plan is to inventory, assess, and plan for future open space and recreation resources for individual municipalities. The plan identifies natural and recreational resources within a community and takes inventory of all parcels, features, and resources. These efforts include sorting parcel data, mapping, categorizing land types, inventorying parks and needed upgrades, and ADA assessments. This work is incorporated with public input to better serve the community’s needs, build support for various efforts, and encourage public participation in protecting important resources, including access to fresh water, forested and farmed land, and recreational facilities. As required by the Guidelines of the Division of Conservation Services, an OSRP updates the social and environmental profiles of the town, discusses influences of present growth and development trends, inventories existing conservation and recreation areas and facilities, and examines community recreation needs. The Plan will provide community goals and objectives to preserve and enhance resources. 



 (774) 539-5142


What is OCPC's role?

OCPC is hired by the town of Abington to write their OSRP. This is a lengthy process that requires research, updating data and maps, and  most importantly community engagement. We follow the state’s guidelines to get your town’s plans approved.  

Community engagement includes a survey, tabling, and two public meetings. The first meeting will be used to present findings and receive feedback on current access to open space and recreation facilities. The second public meeting will present final recommendations and be a part of a two+ week comment period to finalize input and ensure that the plan aligns with towns future goals.  

Following the completion of the plan we can also assist with grant writing and implementation to help the town achieve its goals outlined in the plan.  


Steering Committee

The Open Space Committee is serving as the Steering Committee for the Open Space and Recreation Plan. Their role is to promote outreach and engagement opportunities to the public. They also oversee the writing of the plan and share their goals for Open Space in town. Having a Steering Committee ensures that the plan is reflective of what the Town wants by providing a residential perspective and overseeing the project. 

Niccole Emery 

Aaron Parsons 

Brian Benson

Roberta Delaney 

Mark Grassa

How can I get involved?

There are several ways to give input!  

  • Take the survey. (complete) 
  • Join the email list (here) so you can stay up to date on upcoming events!  
  • Attend both public events Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. 
  • Review the plan during the public comment period. 

Upcoming Events:

Spring 2025: Review final action items of the plan.  

Be sure to join the email list to get updates on official event dates. All event materials will be posted after the meetings below. 

Past Event Materials

The first in person public meeting was held on 11/18/24.  You can participate virtually through 12/12/24.

In addition to an overall view of the needs and wants of the community that was previously surveyed, we have created this short open-ended survey for those looking to give direct feedback on park spaces in town. This is to supplement the first public meeting as we know many are not able to attend weeknight meetings. 

Please first watch this recap of the meeting here

Then follow the same activity provided to those who participated in person through this Survey Monkey

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