This Route 3A and 53 Corridor Study in Kingston will identify, quantify, and study in depth the Corridor from the Duxbury Town Line to the Plymouth Town Line. This planning level study will assess existing conditions and operations in relation to service needs for the community, regional commuting and the economy, assess current zoning and land use along the corridor and result in the development of short term and long-term actions that will enhance circulation and traffic flow efficiency and improve safety, as well as providing recommendations relative to economic gaps and zoning recommendations for the town to consider. Staff will review volume to capacity ratios, levels-of-service, crash analyses, pedestrian and bicycle traffic and infrastructure, pavement conditions, traffic control, and signage and overall physical condition. Public input will be included as part of the project identification process. Staff will utilize the Old Colony Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Congestion Management Process, Safety Management System, Pavement Management System, and Land Use Management System to assist in the identification and development of the short term and long-term recommendations for motorized, transit, and non- motorized modes.
To view the scope of work click here.