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Old Colony Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

At the Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC), our efforts are dedicated to assisting the Commonwealth in becoming a leader in both environmentally and economically sustainable transportation. As part of this commitment to sustainability, OCPC shares the Commonwealth’s mission that promoting bicycle transportation and enhancing infrastructure are essential strategies for achieving these objectives. We fully support the Commonwealth’s goals and are collaborating with our regional partners to enhance bicycle transportation within the Old Colony region. OCPC is actively aiding communities and organizations in improving pedestrian conditions by identifying gaps in the pedestrian network and identifying areas where infrastructure requires enhancement or maintenance.

OCPC’s Annual Bike With BAT event in 2024

Bicycle Advocacy Organizations & Resources

MassBike is the Commonwealth’s bicycle coalition. MassBike promotes better cycling infrastructure and policies throughout the Commonwealth.

How to prevent your bike from being stolen: Even a basic bicycle for travelling between work and home can be expensive, so it’s no surprise that bikes are a popular target for thieves. When you’ve bought a new bike, it’s worth signing up to a national bicycle marking and registration scheme. This is basically an online database system approved by the police, where you can upload your bike’s model and frame number, as well as a photo of it. It’s free to register via websites such as BikeRegister or Immobilise, and you’ll be given a logbook to record any details in case you ever need to prove the bike belongs to you.

Bikes Not Bombs is a not for profit organization that teaches basic bicycle maintence skills, sells refurbished bicycles, and full serviced bicycle bike shop.

Livable Streets is non-profit organization that believes urban transportation has the power to make Metro Boston more connected – and more livable. They challenge people to think differently and to demand a system that balances transit, walking, and biking with automobiles.

MassRides is a commuter oriented website that helps individuals find more enjoyable and affordable commuting options.

MassDOT is the Commonwealth’s Transportation Department. MassDOT supports all forms of transportation including bicycle transportation.

People for Bikes is a national advocacy group that seeks to promote cycling as an alternative transportation mode.

The League of American Bicyclists has been seeking to improve cycling conditions for all Americans since 1880. They strive to make bicycling better through infrastructure improvements and policy initiatives at the national level.

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) is a national clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access, and mobility for pedestrians (including transit users) and bicyclists. The PBIC serves anyone interested in pedestrian and bicycle issues, including planners, engineers, private citizens, advocates, educators, police enforcement, and the health community.

Bicycle information from the U.S. Department of Transportation

Pedestrian Advocacy Organizations & Resources

Walk Massachusetts is the city’s and Commonwealth’s largest pedestrian advocacy group looking to improve walking condition in the city and Commonwealth.

MassRides is a commuter-oriented website that helps individuals find more enjoyable and affordable commuting options.

MassDOT is the Commonwealth’s Transportation Department. MassDOT supports all forms of transportation which includes walking.

MassTrails is the Commonwealth’s networks of off-road, shared-use pathways, and recreational trails for all users across Massachusetts. 

National Safe Routes to School: Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.

National Complete Streets Coalition: Is an organization that aims to transform public streets into corridors that are safe and friendly for all users, whether they be motorist, cyclist, or pedestrians.

America Walks: is nonprofit organization that leads a national coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities.

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) is a national clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access, and mobility for pedestrians (including transit users) and bicyclists. The PBIC serves anyone interested in pedestrian and bicycle issues, including planners, engineers, private citizens, advocates, educators, police enforcement, and the health community.

Old Colony Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

The purpose of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for communities, citizens, and organizations to discuss bicycle and pedestrian transportation issues; to hear what other communities and groups are doing to move bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and best practices forward; and to discuss how the Old Colony region can become more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.

How to Get Involved

The BPAC holds virtual meetings quarterly throughout the year. All are encouraged to register to attend to hear about developments in our communities, as well as contribute to the conversation with comments and questions.

The public is welcome to contact OCPC staff member, Kyle Mowatt or Matt Dyer, at any time with comments regarding the bicycle and pedestrian community.

Upcoming BPAC Meetings

Meeting Materials

March 19, 2025: Agenda

December 18, 2024: Agenda

September 18, 2024: Agenda

May 8, 2024:  

March 20, 2024:

September 20, 2023: Agenda

June 2023: Agenda

March 2023: Agenda 

December 2022: Agenda

September 2022: Agenda

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