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Economic Development Commission (EDC)

The Old Colony Planning Council is a federally recognized Economic Development District (EDD) designated by the US Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Administration (EDA) in 1967. This important designation positions OCPC as the Point of Contact for all EDA interests in the region including planning and project development and associated funding. 

As a designated Economic Development District (EDD), the EDA has provided OCPC with annual funding for economic development planning and project development across its diverse network of seventeen (17) communities containing a population of 393,000 in Plymouth County and portions of Bristol and Norfolk Counties, Southeastern MA. As such, OCPC leads a locally based, regionally driven economic development planning process that involves actively engaging and collaborating with the public, private, and non-profit sectors to establish and implement an economic development roadmap for the region. 

The CEDS document is the framework for economic development in OCPC District and is the result of a regionally-owned planning process designed to build capacity, guide economic prosperity and strengthen resiliency for our communities in the region.  

It includes: a regional vision, summary background and key economic data, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, plan of action, performance evaluation, and economic resilience information. The strategies proposed within this document attempt to integrate zoning and land-use, housing, workforce development, transportation, environment, and infrastructure to support economic development with meaningful impact to our regional economy. 

Known as the Economic Development Commission (EDC), OCPC manages a committee of regional stakeholders that oversees the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy which serves as the region’s blueprint for economic development in coordination with municipal priorities on land-use and zoning, transportation, infrastructure and commercial and industrial, and associated opportunities. As an established long standing Commission under OCPC it is the conduit for identifying planning initiatives, project development and securing federal EDA funds as well as state and local funds to support economic development projects and is a network for the exchange of information, ideas and strategies for communities, and the location of infrastructure. 

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy “A Blueprint for Regional Growth”.  

Here is the current Terms of Reference (Updated: 08/17/2021) CEDS Committee Terms of Reference

Peter BrownTiny & Sons Auto Glass Co.
Laura BuckleyMassHire – South Shore Workforce Board
Andrea BurtonEversource Energy
Jeff CharnelNorth Easton Savings Bank
Stephen ColePlymouth Regional Economic Development Foundation
Chris CooneyMetro South Chamber of Commerce
Stephanie DanielsonTown of Easton
Maryellen DeFriasGreater Attleboro Transit Authority (GATRA)
Stefanie EastonBridgewater State University
Dottie FulginitiMassDevelopment
Lisa Green (Alternate: Tony DeFrias)Town of Hanson
Kyle HaasCapgemini
Jason HunterMassHire: Greater Brockton Workforce Board
Jonathan Jamoulis (Chair)Cape Cod Cafe & Italian Kitchen
Richard JordanTown of Avon
Kathy KeefeTown of Whitman
Mike Lambert (Alternate: Joe Mech)Brockton Area Transit (BAT)
Dennis LassigeNorth Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters
Valerie MassardTown of Kingston
Robert May (Alternate: John Fay)City of Brockton
Pamela McCarthyTown of Stoughton
John MurrayMassHire: Greater Brockton Career Center
Susan MurraySouth Eastern Economic Development Corporation
Cindy PendergastNeighborworks Housing Solutions
Debra RobertTown of Stoughton
Nicole Salvo (Alternate: Shane O’Brien)Town of Bridgewater
Charlie Seelig (Alternate: John Haines)Town of East Bridgewater
Alysha Siciliano-Perry (Vice Chair)Alluring Concepts

Recorded Webinar

View slides here

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Materials

February 5, 2025: Agenda

February 7, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | Slides 

May 22, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | Slides

September 4, 2024: Agenda| Minutes| Slides

December 4, 2024:  Agenda| Minutes|Slides 




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