what we do
Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning
At the Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) we are working to help the Commonwealth meet its goal to be a leader in both environmental and economic sustainable transportation. As part of those sustainability objectives, OCPC, as does the Commonwealth, believes bicycle transportation and infrastructure is one of the tools that can help the Commonwealth realize these goals.
Data Collection & Analysis
The scope and purpose of the Old Colony Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Local Highway Technical Assistance (LTA) Program is to provide a rapid and effective response mechanism to address special localized short term transportation issues and/or projects as they arise.
Metropolitan Transportation Planning
With expertise in safety, transportation funding, complete streets, transit planning, and context-sensitive design, the transportation staff works to promote a safe, reliable, and multi-modal transportation system that meets the diverse needs of the region and its people.
Transportation Management & Studies
The Transportation Department conducts transportation planning studies and other initiatives in the areas of transportation safety, roadway and traffic conditions, congestion management, bicycle and pedestrian planning, transit planning, and transportation resilience planning.
Transit Planning
Old Colony Planning Council seeks to improve the public transit user experience, expand mobility options, help the Commonwealth obtain its transportation mode shift goals and help reduce climate changing greenhouse gases.
Safe Streets For All (SS4A)
The Old Colony Planning Council has been awarded a planning grant funding to develop a Regional Vision Zero Action Plan for the seventeen communities of the Old Colony Region through the Federal Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program.
How We Can Help
We work with MassDOT on Performance Measures and Targets that focus on lowering fatalities, incapacitating injuries, and combined pedestrian and bicycle issues.
Sustainability & Livability
Sustainable neighborhoods include designing streets and the rights-of-way to encourage shared pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular use to address safety issues.
We consider how well our current transportation system serves the existing and future travel demands of the region.
Climate Change
The transportation system are impacted with flooding, sea level rise, & extreme weather. We work towards plans to improve adaptability and resilience.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), also referred to as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), makes historic investments in the transportation sector: improving public safety and climate resilience, creating jobs across the country, and delivering a more equitable future.
White House BIL Resources
- White House BIL Guidebook
- White House Technical Assistance Guide
- White House BIL Rural Playbook
- White House BIL Tribal Playbook
USDOT BIL Resources
- Upcoming Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcements in 2022
- DOT BIL website
- Federal Highway Administration BIL website
- Federal Transit Administration BIL website
- Federal Railroad Administration BIL website
Transportation Contacts Near You
- Connect with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) contacts in your state or territory (interactive map of all DOT administrative offices)
- Locate your State DOT
- Connect with your regional metropolitan planning organization (MPO)
- Connect with your local transit agency
USDOT Navigator
The DOT Navigator is a new one-stop shop to access the array of resources across the Department that are designed to provide technical assistance and help grantees navigate the grant application, transportation planning, project delivery, funding and financing, and implementation processes. Available now in a beta version, the DOT Navigator includes a set of fact sheets and information to help those new to federal grant programs understand key requirements, gain tips for successful applications, and better navigate commonly required processes and terminology. Over the coming months, the site will continue to be built out to improve user interface, enable search functions, and provide additional helpful resources. The DOT Navigator does not itself provide technical assistance but makes it easier to find available resources and contacts.