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Joint Transportation Committee (JTC)

The Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) is an advisory committee to the Old Colony Planning Council and the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The JTC provides a valuable forum for citizen involvement in the in-depth and ongoing process of selecting the proper combination and scheduling of local and regional transportation projects through the development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), thereby ensuring the optimized utilization of financially limited resources. Thus, the Council and Metropolitan Planning Organization rely on the JTC for input and guidance on matters pertaining to transportation.

Access the Old Colony JTC Bylaws

     Old Colony JTC Bylaws (Approved 06/2019)

Meeting Minutes

To obtain minutes from JTC meeting previous to 2010, contact Bill McNulty.

Meeting minutes for the JTC are made available in accordance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law (MGL 30A 11 1/2). For more information about the Open Meeting Law, the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides a guide in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

John StoneAbington
Bruce Hughes (Alternate)Abington
Brian MartinAvon
Robert B. WoodBridgewater
Patrick HillBrockton
Sheila SgarziDuxbury
John HainesEast Bridgewater
David FieldEaston
Greg Swan (Alternate)Easton
Steven HaywardHalifax
Victor DiniakHanover
Richard JasminHanson
Paul BaslerKingston
Joe DiautePembroke
James DowneyPlymouth
Robert FirlottePlympton
Marc TisdelleStoughton
Phillip McNultyWest Bridgewater
Noreen O’Toole (Chair)Whitman
Daniel Salvucci (Vice-Chair and Alternate)Whitman
Iolando SpinolaDelegate-at-Large
David MohlerMassDOT
Christopher KlemMassDOT
Mary-Joe PerryMassDOT, District 5
Richard BilskiMassDOT, District 5
Michael LambertBrockton Area Transit (BAT)
Kelly ForresterBrockton Area Transit (BAT)
Anthony JonesFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Kirstie TirandaziFederal Transit Administration (FTA)
Peter ButlerFederal Transit Administration (FTA)
Captain Mark PorcaroBrockton Traffic Commission

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting Materials

December 5, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports

November 7, 2024: Agenda|Minutes

October 3, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes  

September 5, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

June 6, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

May 2, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

April 4, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

March 7, 2024:  Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

February 1, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

January 4, 2024: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

December 7, 2023:  | Staff Reports | Minutes

November 2, 2023: Agenda |Staff Reports | Minutes

October 5, 2023: Agenda|Staff Reports | Minutes 

September 7, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

August 3, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

June 1, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

May 4, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

April 6, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

March 2, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

February 2, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

January 5, 2023: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

December 1, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

November 3, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

October 6, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

September 1, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

August 4, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

June 2, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

May 5, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

April 7, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

March 3, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

February 3, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes 

January 6, 2022: Agenda | Staff Reports | Minutes

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