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Council Meetings

Upcoming Council Meetings

Legislative Breakfast: Agenda

March 2025: Agenda

February 2025: Agenda|Minutes

Executive Council Meeting – January 2025: Agenda|Minutes

January 2025: Agenda|Minutes

November 2024:Agenda|Minutes

October 2024: Agenda|Minutes

September 2024: Agenda|Minutes

June 2024: Agenda|Minutes

May 2024: Agenda | Minutes

April 2024: Agenda | Minutes

March 2024: Agenda| Minutes

February 2024: AgendaMinutes 

January 2024: Agenda | Minutes

October 2023: Agenda | Minutes

September 2023: Agenda | Minutes

June 2023: Agenda| Minutes

May 2023Agenda | Minutes

April 2023: Agenda  | Minutes

March 2023: Agenda | Minutes

February 2023: Agenda| Minutes

January 2023:  Agenda| Minutes

October 2022: Agenda| Minutes

September 2022: Agenda| Minutes

June 2022: Minutes

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Finance - Audit Meetings

Upcoming Finance-Audit Meetings

February 2025: Agenda|Minutes

January 2025: Agenda|Minutes

October 2024: Agenda|Minutes

September 2024: Agenda| Minutes

June 2024: Agenda| Minutes

May 2024: Agenda |Minutes

April 2024: Agenda | Minutes

March 2024: Agenda | Minutes

February 2024: Agenda | Minutes 

January 2024: Agenda Minutes

November 2023: Special Agenda

October 2023: Agenda | Minutes

September 2023: Agenda Minutes

June 2023: Agenda | Minutes

May 2023: Agenda | Minutes ROM AgendaROM Minutes

March 2023: Agenda | ROM Agenda

January 2023: Consent Agenda | Agenda

November 2022: Agenda

October 2022: Agenda | Minutes

September 2022: Consent Agenda | Minutes

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Committee Meetings

Upcoming Committee Meetings

A Message from our President

It is truly an honor to be elected President of the Old Colony Planning Council. Southeastern Massachusetts in general and the Old Colony region in particular represent one of the fastest growing areas in our Commonwealth. OCPC member communities face significant challenges as they attempt to balance the desire for a high quality of life with the need to support responsible and sustainable economic activity. In years past, these desires were seen as competing, or contradictory. I do not hold that they are mutually exclusive. I believe the Old Colony Planning Council has an important strategic role in helping our communities understand that well-planned housing and economic development are the most effective way to achieve municipal, and, ultimately, regional goals.

The Council enjoys a special relationship with our member communities. We provide valuable advice regarding transportation planning, master planning, affordable housing, and economic and civic infrastructure. Our role as administrator of the Area Agency on Aging is especially important, as the demographics of our region (and indeed our nation) clearly show the need for continued improvement in the delivery of elder services. Smart Growth principles are more widely understood than ever, and are being applied to, and improving many proposals. Access to public transportation, pedestrian safety, and energy efficiency are fundamental design elements that can be incorporated into the built environment, often at less cost. Interestingly, colleges and universities now have sustainable development and renewable energy programs, to prepare the next generation of planners, architects, engineers and dreamers.

I view the role of the Council as one of an independent and expert advisor, available to collaborate on development questions faced by stakeholders in our member communities. Our regional focus gives us an objective perspective that transcends municipal boundaries. Our expertise in land use, GIS, permitting, transportation systems, and planning, makes the Old Colony Planning Council a valued and valuable asset to the region. Our staff maintains excellent relationships with local, state and federal governments and authorities, colleges, medical facilities, business groups and employers, making the Council a real stakeholder in the affairs of our member communities. While we are proud of the work we do, challenges remain. Securing adequate funding for improving transportation infrastructure is likely to continue as a top priority of the Council, and of the state and federal agencies charged with maintaining a safe and efficient highway system. Public participation in our plans is more evident, and more important than ever.

On behalf of the Old Colony Planning Council, it is my pleasure to welcome your participation in the activities of the Council. Please stop by our offices, in the historic building at 70 School Street, in downtown Brockton. Our regular meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 pm, and are open to the public. We hope to see you there, and we look forward to working with you.


Rebecca Coletta – President

Noreen O’Toole – Vice President

Christine Joy – Treasurer

Council Delegates

Abington – Steven Santeusanio

Avon – Frank Staffier

Bridgewater – Sandra Wright

Brockton – Iolando Spinola

Duxbury – Allison Shane

East Bridgewater – Peter Spagone, Jr.

Easton – Jeanmarie Joyce

Halifax – John Bruno

Hanover – Rhonda Nyman

Hanson – Antonio M. DeFrias

Kingston – Valerie Massard, AICP

Pembroke – Rebecca Coletta

Plymouth – Lee Hartmann, AICP


Stoughton – William Roth

West Bridgewater Vacant

Whitman – Noreen O’Toole

Delegate-at-large – Christine Joy

Council Alternates

Abington – Alex Hagerty

Avon – John Costa

Bridgewater – Robert Rulli

Brockton – Preston Huckabee, PE

East Bridgewater – John Haines

Halifax – Jonathan Selig

Hanover – Steve Louko

Hanson – Joe Campbell

Pembroke – Alysha Siciliano-Perry

Stoughton – Marc Tisdelle

West Bridgewater – Michael Perez

Whitman – Daniel Salvucci

Becky Coletta, President

Christine Joy, Lee Hartmann, Steven Santeusanio, Frank Staffier, Sandra Wright, and Noreen O’Toole.

Christine Joy, Treasurer

Becky Coletta, Lee Hartmann, Steven Santeusanio, Frank Staffier, Sandra Wright, and Noreen O’Toole.

Lee Hartmann, Chair

Becky Coletta, Christine Joy, Steven Santeusanio, Frank Staffier, Preston Huckabee

Steven Santeusanio, Chair

Frank Staffier, Lee Hartmann, Sandra Wright, Christine Joy, John Bruno

Frank Staffier, Chair

Steven Santeusanio, Peter Spagone, Tony DeFrias, and Jeanmarie Kent Joyce

Noreen O’Toole and Rhonda Nyman, Co-Chairs

Val Massard, Iolando Spinola

Iolando Spinola, Chair

Christine Joy, Steven Santeusanio, Frank Staffier, Bill Roth, Tony DeFrais, Val Massard

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